In Chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies, the core members of their civilization become disembodied as disputes lead to the groups division. The tension between Jack and Ralph comes to a boil as Jack desires for Ralph to lose his power and departs after the group votes for Ralph to maintain his leadership role. The belief of the beast plays a major role in determining who people choose to live with. Once Jack leaves, the other members of the group while helping to build a new signal fire ditch the group to join Jack. Inspired by this new civilization with Jack as their leader, the hunters began to go wild. In the ensuing hours of chaos the hunters manage to kill a sow and continue by stabbing the beast and putting the sow’s head on a stick in celebration. A few minutes before the hunters converge of the beach, Simon sneaks off into the island’s jungle. Here he is captivated by the sow’s head on a stick which begins to speak to him as the lord of the flies, or, the devil. The pigs head intimidates Simon telling him that he can not escape and that he will have fun tormenting him. As this celebration continues the hunters inhabit Ralph’s camp and ask them if they would like to join the feast of the sow. Fueled by their hunger, Ralph and Piggy clearly show a desire for some of the meat. At the very end of the chapter, Simon ends up fainting due to his Lord of the flies experience.
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